Participating in the ongoing Mahakumbh Mela, actor Anupam Kher took the holy dip at Triveni Sangam. He shared a video of praying while taking a dip, with the caption, “Took a dip in the Ganga during Maha Kumbh! For the first time in life, I chanted mantras at the place where Maa Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati meet! Tears started flowing from my eyes while praying. And look at the coincidence! I was overwhelmed similarly exactly a year ago on this day, in Ayodhya, on the day of Pran Pratishtha! Hail Sanatan Dharma!”
Participating in the holy event, 90s actress Mamata Kulkarni has opted for priesthood, leaving behind her glamorous life. She has been appointed as the Mahamandaleshwar of the Kinnar Akhada during the Maha Kumbh.
Punjabi singer Guru Randhawa took a sacred dip at Sangam in Prayagraj. Sharing a clip on his Instagram handle, he wrote, “Blessed to take a sacred dip in Maa Ganga at Prayagraj, where faith flows and spirituality thrives. Starting my new journey with God’s blessing. Har har Gange!”
Choreographer Remo D’Souza kept a low profile during his visit to Maha Kumbh. In a video shared on his Instagram handle, he partially covers his face, maintaining a low profile as he moves freely through the crowd.
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