In a spiritually vibrant evening, Bharatiya Janata Party leader and Uttar Pradesh Minister Dharmveer Prajapati took part in the daily Aarti at Ram Ghat, Prayagraj. The ceremonial ritual, conducted by the Harihar Ganga Aarti Committee, featured hymn chanting and oil lamp lighting, marking a significant prelude to the upcoming Mahakumbh.
Preparations for Mahakumbh, a significant Hindu pilgrimage that draws millions of adherents, are ramping up in Prayagraj. The city is undergoing comprehensive enhancements, including infrastructure and security upgrades, to accommodate the vast influx of visitors poised to gather at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and mythical Sarasvati rivers.
The ongoing bustle was complemented by a vibrant procession of Niranjani Akhara seers and sages, who arrived at Sangam Ghat on elephants and horses. Received by senior officials with garlands, the sages highlighted the meticulous arrangements, akin to royal camps, underscoring the administration’s diligence in facilitating a secure and spiritually uplifting environment for the festival.
(With inputs from agencies.)
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